Saturday, June 12, 2010

El Presidente

It's Saturday morning and I woke up with a hankering for pancakes. While I was cooking them iTunes was on and the Wall Street Journal was playing. There was a need within me to be in touch with what is happening in the world on June 12, 2010. Gordon Deal is the host and he's got the best radio voice--it just pulls you in. I digress. There was a segment that came up discussing the president's use of the phrase "Who's ass to kick"in reference to the oil spill in the Gulf. Pardon my usage of this phrase. I was so bothered by this phrasing and usage by our president that it's been distracting me from my typical morning routine. I don't remember if it was Gordon or the other reporter on the segment who pointed out that the president is the moral leader of our country. They went on to discuss that this particular language was ok to use because it conveyed his emotion to the people of the United States. I just feel extreme disappointment by this and a little embarrassed to be honest. Also, what kind of impact will this have upon students, I'm talking about younger students, elementary age kiddos. Their hippocampus(part of their brain) is not developed enough for them to distinguish that this line is not appropriate for them to use. Would you want your child going around saying that and using the excuse that it's ok for him because the president said it? Is the president the moral leader of our country or not? I'd like to think that we take into consideration their moral and ethical code to some extent. Their morality will impact the way in which they lead us to a degree. Ethics and morality are part of a good leader. When those qualities are strong, then the leader will in turn be strong. The leader does deserve grace as he or she does the job. So while, disappointment still lingers in my morning, I am willing to forgive and move on from this mistake. That's what I would like to receive from someone whom I have disappointed.

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